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Meditation in Tampa

I am a passionate holistic healer dedicated to elevating humanity's consciousness and contributing to the vibrational shift of our planet. After being both a client and practitioner of traditional talk therapy for over two decades combined, I realized I was reaching caps in my personal treatment and also with my clients. I struggled with anxiety, depression, eating disorders, substance addictions, and survived multiple suicide attempts. These experiences led me to a more spiritually aligned path as I felt called to expand and connect with my Highest Self.

This transformative shift opened doors to a wealth of wisdom and knowledge about various holistic healing modalities. Today, my mission is to share this enlightenment with others, offering a holistic approach that extends beyond the traditional boundaries of therapy.

The journey never ends as I continue to unearth new facets of myself while exploring innovative ways to heal the layers of my own trauma. It's become clear to me that setting clear intentions and taking purpose-driven actions are essential ingredients for guiding me along the path to living my ideal life.

I’ve tapped into my unique sense of personal power and inspiration that gives me the energy to continue manifesting the life of my dreams. The depth of my life experiences blends seamlessly with the expansiveness of my education and knowledge. This fusion serves as a catalyst for your quantum healing journey, as I am committed to sharing the insights and techniques that have propelled me forward.

Manifestation in Tampa

“Close your eyes and imagine the best version of you possible. That’s who you really are, let go of any part of you that doesn’t believe it.”

C. Assaad

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